FLC Covid-19 Guidelines
First Lutheran Church
COVID-19 Information for Members and Visitors
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
–Psalm 122:1 ESV
The members of First Lutheran Church are very pleased to be able to resume public worship services beginning July 11th, 2020. Two opportunities for public worship will be offered—Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. (this service is intended for families with children and those under the age of 60), and Sunday at 11 a.m. (this service is intended for those 60 years of age and older and those with underlying medical conditions).
After careful consideration of public health guidelines from both Alberta and Saskatchewan, Church Council has set out procedures for everyone attending worship services. These are intended to keep worshipers safe and healthy. If you plan to attend worship services with us, please be aware of the following:
- Self-assessment: Attendees must perform self-assessment at home before coming to church. Anyone with signs of illness, history of recent travel to locations with active COVID-19 cases, or history of contact with known or potential COVID-19 carriers, is asked to remain home. Services will continue to be available online at the First Lutheran Church website and YouTube Channel.
- Parking: Attendees should maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from other members/family groups as they leave their vehicles to approach the church.
- Entering the church: Markings on the sidewalks leading to the church door indicate 2 meter spacing to assist attendees in maintaining safe social distancing. Attendees will be greeted at the door by an usher/elder wearing a mask and asked to use the provided hand sanitizer. Anyone not wearing a mask of their own will be provided with a mask and required to put it on and keep it on throughout the service (except to receive Communion) until they are back in their vehicle.
- Seating: All access in and out of the sanctuary will be via the centre aisle. Seating locations providing for social distancing will be indicated by bulletins which will be pre-placed on the pews prior to the start of service.
- The Pastor will advise attendees of the procedures we will be following during the service. These include:
- No standing
- No singing
- Children are to remain in the pew with their family throughout the service
- Offerings will be collected after the service. Attendees are asked to place their offering in a basket as they leave the sanctuary.
- Anyone needing to use the washroom or leave the sanctuary should determine the route out of their seating location that will result in the least contact with other attendees
- For services where the Lord’s Supper is shared, the Pastor and assisting elders/ushers will provide direction to attendees to ensure appropriate distancing, safe traffic flow and sanitary procedure.
- At the conclusion of service, attendees will leave, starting at the back of the church. Ushers will control the egress from the sanctuary so that a safe two meter distance is maintained between each attendee/family group.
- Anyone wishing to visit will be asked to do so outside, preferably on the lawn. Attendees will be reminded to position themselves so that the sidewalks remain clear, and maintain a 2 meter distance from other attendees. Masks should be left on until attendees have returned to their vehicles.
- Attendees will be asked to continue to maintain a separation of at least 2 meters from others as they return to and load into their vehicles.